FITCE Structure

The FITCE.EU federation is a umberella organisation of FITCE National Associations. The Federation is directed and managed by an executive committee - the Comite de Direction (CD) - comprising the President, a member and deputy member from each of the National Associations, the Secretary General, and the Treasurer.  

Some countries do not have a National Association affiliated to FITCE, but instead have a National FITCE Association, such as Belgium.

An annual report on the performance of FITCE.EU is presented to members by the CD at a Genaral Assembly (GA), usually held during the Congress. 

FITCE.EU also has a Board of Officers (BOO) as the permanent executive body of the Federation, responsible for the day-to-day working of FITCE.EU and reporting to the CD. The BOO comprises the President, one or more Vice Presidents, the Secretary General, Treasurer, and Editor of the FITCE Forum. Other officers (e.g. Data Administrator and Web Master) are appointed as required.

26 - 28 September 2024 | Krakow (Poland)

New technologies and services opportunities and threats

63rd International Congress
