Charlotte is the Chief Executive of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP). Her focus as CEO is on diversifying the digital workforce, advocating career development through apprenticeships and membership, and serving as the voice for the industry. She has encouraged many businesses to look to apprentices as a solution to plugging the UK's technical skills gap and to train future generations.
She is passionate about empowering people to turn their love of digital technology into a skill set ideal for their future career, building a sustainable, diverse and inclusive workforce for the future and assisting our members in furthering their careers. Above all, Charlotte is a mother of two beautiful children, a conscious leader, and an advocate for mental health and early careers.
Despite working full time and raising a young family, Charlotte studied for 6 years at the Open University and graduated in 2021 with a BSc first class honors degree in psychology and counselling.
In her spare time, Charlotte enjoys spending time with her children, unbelievably cute but incredibly naughty dogs and her family.